Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SHANNON.N.GRAVES
blogger: http://disturbedgraves.blogspot.com/
Deviant Art:http://nickgraves.deviantart.com/
S.N.Graves was born in the South and can’t see calling anyplace without a Waffle House home. She earned her M.F.A. in Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University in 2014 and is a senior editor at Loose Id LLC.
It was either write or become the world’s lamest super villain and cat lady, so S.N.Graves focused all her spinster energy into tormenting her characters instead of laying siege to the world with monkey assassins and satanic subliminal messages in cute cat videos. She is happily married to the self-proclaimed victim of Stockholm syndrome, David Graves, and enjoys duct taping her two teenage sons to a chair and forcing them to read all the ugly first drafts of her urban fantasy books.
Seton Hill University
M.F.A. in Writing Popular Fiction, 2014
Master’s Thesis: Strange Relations
Related Coursework: “Teaching Popular Fiction and Writing”
Bellevue University
BA Liberal Studies Major, 2011
International Academy of Design and
AS of Graphic Design, 2010
The Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Storyboarding and Game Art and Design, 2005-2008
Fayetteville Technical Community
Various fine art and business courses, 2005