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Editing Services:


$.005 per word: You get a full write up (a page or more) detailing the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses along with suggestions for improvement. This is also known as a plot doctor review, as I will offer suggestions to fixing plot holes or making the story more dynamic. You are welcome to send unfinished manuscripts as well, and I will offer suggestions for getting you to The End! (50k manuscript = $250)


$.01 per word: You get a full write up (a page or more) detailing the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses along with suggestions for improvement. A thorough content edit with line comments (two rounds max). The first round will be a heavy content edit addressing everything from story structure to consistency issues through Word’s comment function. Included are edits made directly to the text using Word’s Tracked Changes function to highlight typos, redundancies, misused words, and various other grammatical issues. You will be able to accept or reject these changes as you see fit. The second editing round will be a cleanup pass where any remaining problems are addressed. (50k manuscript = $500)


$.02 per word: The complete package! You get a full write up (a page or more) detailing the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses along with suggestions for improvement. A thorough content edit with line comments (up to four rounds max) as well as a separate proofing edit by a different editor. (50k manuscript = $1000)


Beta Reading:


Good beta readers are hard to find, and trusting that your work won’t be shared over the internet, or that your beta readers will respond at all, is even harder. WTP has put together a team of reliable beta readers who enjoy a variety of genres and can give you that fresh reader feedback you need before putting your work in front of the public.

With a beta read you will receive a detailed letter documenting each reader’s experience reading your work as well as inline comments that will let you know when something just isn’t working for them or if something works really well! They will also point out any areas that were difficult to understand, seemed off to them grammatically, or when they notice a typo.


A beta reading is not a good substitute for a full edit, but it will tell you areas you need to work on, and what your story does well, before it reaches the eyes of readers.


$.006 per word: Three unique beta readers. (50k manuscript = $300)

$.01 per word: Five unique beta readers. (50k manuscript = $500)


Author Services:


$50: Blurbs! Everyone hates writing blurbs, and it is so much easier to do for other people than it is for your own book. Send me a short synopsis and a few lines on what you want the blurb to showcase and we’ll get it punched up and ready for the public. Two rounds of revision included.


$100: eBook Formatting. I will format your book to look professional and then send you the .pdf, epub, and Kindle mobi file you need to get your book online.


See Price List: Cover Art

What I can do for you and your book.


I have been helping people get their manuscripts in top shape for years. I started out running critique circles in small online writing groups and then moved on to doing it professionally. I have an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction form Seton Hill University and I work as a senior editor for Loose Id LLC. I set up this page because I get frequent requests to do freelance editing, and rather than negotiating with clients individually, I thought having a place where all my rates were upfront and visible would make things easier on the authors.  

Shannon has edited two novels for me which were published through a publisher and both experiences were better than I could have hoped. The final products in both cases were a thousand times better than anything I could have achieved without her feedback. She offers suggestions I never would have thought of, and tells me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear, which can be invaluable when you're too close to a manuscript and have lost perspective on it. Shannon did such a great job with those novels that I didn't hesitate to hire her to edit a manuscript I've been struggling with for ages. Already in the first round of edits, she's opened my eyes to what needs to be done and what can be done. I highly recommend Shannon for authors who are serious about producing the best manuscript they can.

-- Tricia Owens



My experience with Shannon was great from start to finish and I learned far more from her than I could have anticipated. She communicates clearly and promptly in a way writers can relate to and she takes a true personal interest in making the stories the best they can be. Make no mistake: she will push you to reach outside your comfort zone and not hold back, but she'll do it with a humor and compassion that will give you the confidence to try. I recommend her wholeheartedly! -- Maggie Montgomery



"After working with a number of editors, I can honestly say Shannon is the best. I learned more from her than a crash course on writing could provide. Shannon is not only diligent and detailed, but she explains the reasoning behind her thought process. Even more importantly, she forces the author to reach deep inside themselves to develop complex characters and create the most intriguing story possible." -- Casey Crow




"As an unpublished writer I'd only shown any of my work to a few people.  I was (and am) still scared some to show it and have someone else tell me that what I felt was good work is awful (that's a deep rooted fear). S.N. Graves looked at a short story of mine, gave me helpful changes and ideas that are helping me 'get' the editing process for myself a lot better. 

The truth is though that the best part is that she made me feel like I was a part of the process, she didn't belittle my fears or my feelings, and she provided clear critiques that were helpful to crafting my short story into what I want it to be."  -- Susanne Thomas




This is not a page where you can just click a button and order services. While I would like to take on everyone who needs my help, I just don’t have the time. Additionally, sometimes an author’s work isn’t at a stage where I can provide much help. Work may be turned down if the author doesn’t have a good grasp of the fundamentals. This doesn’t mean their work isn’t any good or never will be, it just means that after reading their sample I determined that they could get more help through independent study than through a content edit—I’m not going to let you spend money you will regret. If I turn down your work, please look over the email I sent you and check out the books on writing I included. These books are some of the very same I was given in graduate school, and are all books I feel helped me tremendously. Don’t be afraid to come see me again after you feel you’ve progressed!



Genres I prefer:

Romance, Horror, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy



Genres I accept:

Fiction and Non-fiction.



If you would like to work with me on your book or story, email me and let me know which services you are interested in. Please include as much information about your book as possible, and attach a writing sample (a few chapters would be fine). If I feel I have something to offer your work, and I have room in the schedule, we will finalize your order and you'll receive an invoice. Send me all requested items, and as soon as I receive conformation that the invoice has been paid, I will begin work.






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